Visionary. Civil Rights Activist. Community Organizer. Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient. 2X Grammy Award Winning Artist; Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant combines sound biblical teaching, business acumen, and political insight to propel the Body of Christ to action and greater levels of faith.

Since his youth, Dr. Bryant has prevailed against the odds – rising from a G.E.D. to a Ph.D. Before pastoring, he served as the National Youth and College Director of the NAACP for six years, where he helped to mobilize over 70,000 youth worldwide in non-violent campaigns.

Dr. Bryant, a third-generation minister, was the founding pastor of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore, Maryland, acclaimed as the fastest-growing African Methodist Episcopal church in the denomination’s 200-year history.

With an undeniable gift to bridge generations from the Civil Rights movement to the Black Lives Matter era, Dr. Bryant incites change in the faith community. His ability to reach across social, economic, and political barriers has helped people experience the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ and activate success in their everyday lives. His ministry has become an incubator for entrepreneurs, homeowners, and the like. Additionally, programs under his guidance have aimed to spread the gospel, develop strong leaders, empower the economically disadvantaged, and challenge social injustices.

In December 2018, Dr. Bryant was appointed as the Senior Pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Stonecrest, Georgia. His leadership efforts have strengthened the multi- generational bond among members, cultivated families, and expanded community outreach as well as the church’s cultural significance.